Summertime…time to sit back and unwind

Ahhh…Summertime is in full effect!  As the song says “Summer summer summertime
Time to sit back and unwind,” right? I think this site has the right idea and makes for a good chuckle.

All teachers need to take time to recharge our batteries.  Teaching is hard.  No matter how much you love it, it is full of struggles, frustrations, and moments when we just want to quit.  We need this time to reflect on what went well and let the frustrations fade into memory.

This summer, I am continuing my strive toward balance and I removed my school email from my phone.  For those that know me, this is a big deal.  A few years ago, I turned off the ‘ding’ every time I got an email to help with balance and this is another step for me.  I know that it will return come August, but I it helps now.  Also happening this summer are the following:

  • Many trips to the pool with my family
  • A trip to see old friends in South Carolina
  • Hamilton: the Musical (again…I am very lucky)
  • Large landscaping projects at my house (done by others…I have no skills)
  • A trip to upstate New York to see a good friend get married.
  • Reading books of my choosing (currently reading Magpie Murders: A Novel)
  • Spending time with my kids who are growing up too fast
  • Getting to spend time with my amazing wife as we close in on 15 years of marriage (I am a very, very lucky man)

Are there school things going on?  Of course.  Will I read other books more focused on school?  Yes.  Grad courses for me and my wife?  Yuppers.  Yet, these are not the focus.  The recharge is.

Enjoy the time away from the building fellow teachers.  You deserve it.


Mr. Mazurek

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