Adventures in Remote Learning

An omen?

This is me. Second Day of inservice. Around 10:45am a colleague says “Do you know you have two different shoes on?” I didn’t think she was speaking to me…but it seems she was. I had thought the day started off better than day one, where I forgot my keys at home, but it seems it did not. Looking back on it a few days later, it may just be an a lesson to learn about this upcoming year- don’t sweat the small things. Things won’t be perfect…and on Zoom, no one will see your shoes.

For the start of the 2020 school year, my school district decided to choose the virtual option and that is what this (and maybe more) posts will talk about. How are we adapting to provide learning to our students in this environment?

Our Remote Learning plan is one of synchronous learning. Live sessions will be recorded and posted on our LMS (Schoology) after the lesson is done. We are using Zoom for the video conferencing aspect, with students using iPads K-4 and laptops (Windows 10) 5-12. Physical materials are also being sent home for students as well so the learning won’t all be in front of a screen all day long.

My biggest takeaway from this week is as follows: I work with amazing people who are working so hard to make this the best possible experience for our students. We will get through it together and we will all be better for it.

Mr. Mazurek

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