16 Things Teachers Should try in 2016….how’d I do?
Earlier in the year, I found a list of things all teachers should try (found it here)…so I tried to do them. Here is my how I did.
1- Google Cardboard: Didn’t get to this one yet…as an iPhone person, it’s tricky. Hopefully at the start of the year.
2- Sketchnoting: YES. I was at a meeting that discussed this concept and had a few chances to try it out. While my artwork won’t win awards, it did help me retain the content more than I thought it would.
3- Blogging: YES. While not blogging as much as I wanted to, I have managed to post a few posts and I look forward to expanding it next year.
4- Podcasting: Not Yet. I listen to podcasts daily, but I have yet to start one of my own. I hope to do this for next year.
5- Live Streaming: Not Yet. A tricky one for me due to school policies, but I do hope to have an opportunity to show what our students can do in real time next year
6- Wearables: YES. I have a FitBit Charge HR that I have loved. I can see myself upgrading to a smartwatch in the future…much to my bank account’s chagrin.
7- Start a YouTube Channel: YES. I began one as a place to keep videos for our MS advisory meetings as well as tech tips. I look forward to adding my own content soon!
8- Google Classroom: Not Yet. While we are a GAFE School, we have no flipped the switch on Google Classroom. I hope this is a possibility for 2016-2017.
9- Join a G+ Community: YES. I am an avid consumer of my GAFE groups on G+. The amount of information available is great and continues to grow on the forgotten social network
10- Gamily a Lesson/PD: Not Yet. Hopefully, in the near future, I can start with something small like badges and move up from there.
11- Breakout EDU: YES. Just went through one recently and I loved it. I cannot wait to add this to my PD next year.
12- A Voxer Chat: Not yet. Downloading this now…will try soon. Is there a place to find chats?
13- Branding: Working on this. My amazing cousin has designed a logo for me (you can see it on the top of the blog) and I am looking to add it to more of my expanding networks.
14- 3D Printing: YES. Our district had 2 printers purchased this year and before they went to their homes, I had a chance to tinker with them. What a revolutionary technology.
15- Let your students teach you: YES. My advisory students lead the discussions of our weekly meetings and I learned a new thing each time.
16- Jar of Awesome: Not yet. Looking forward to this in 2016-2017
Final tally
8 yes, 8 not yet…
Room to improve for sure, but a good start (my SLO will look great next year).
What do you think a teacher should try in 2016-2017?